Best WhatsApp Unknow Tricks!

Whatsapp is easily the most popular mobile messaging platform till date. But are you aware a few of the secrets methods of WhatsApp which could get you one stage further? Here, I have compiled a list of few really cool WhatsApp tricks which will keep you one step ahead from your colleagues and friends. I hope you will like it.  1- Change Your FRIEND'S PROFILE PICTURE TO A MONKEY! Sure, you can't make such non-sense show up on everyone's phone, but here's a small trick to change your friend's WhatsApp profile picture to a MONKEY! (or whatever you want to) Follow the given steps: 1. You need the image you want to replace your friend's profile picture with. You can use this cute little monkey. In case you want to use something else, you can, but the image should be square (541x541 pixels preferred) 2. Go to contacts and copy your friend's number. 3. Rename the image as your friend's number, removing the "+". (F...

How to unroot Android: Two incredibly simple ways to unroot your Android phone

Have a rooted Android device and want to unroot it?
 Thankfully, it isn’t as difficult as you may have first thought and you can do it without having to delve into Android’s system BIOS.
First things first, when doing anything to your Android device, make sure you back up your data. Unrooting will wipe data from your phone, so back up anything you want to keep hold of into cloud storage or onto an SD card/PC.

How to unroot Android: Using SuperSU

By far the simplest way to unroot your Android handset, SuperSU is a free-to-download app for rooted devices. Here’s how to unroot your phone via SuperSU.
  1. Download and install SuperSU from the Google Play Store.
  2. Launch SuperSU and go to the “Settings” tab.
  3. Scroll down until you see “Full unroot”. Tap it.
  4. You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to completely unroot your device – tap continue.
  5. Once done, SuperSU will close automatically. Restart your Android device.
  6. When your device has booted back up, uninstall SuperSU and you’ll be the proud owner of one completely unrooted Android device.

How to unroot Android: Using ES File Explorer

I’m not sure if I’ve spoken about how good ES File Explorer is for a file explorer app, but it’s great. So great, in fact, that you can unroot your phone using it if you know what you’re looking for. Thankfully, with this little guide, you’ll know exactly what to do.
  1. Download and install ES File Explorer from Google Play Store.
  2. Launch ES File Explorer and tap the menu button.
  3. Scroll down to “Tools” and then turn on “Root Explorer”.
  4. Grant it root privileges if prompted.
  5. Back on the main screen, navigate to your device’s root folder – you’ll find this as “/” in explorer.
  6. From root, navigate to “system” | “bin”.
  7. Find the “busybox” and “su” files and delete them. If you can’t find them, move on to step eight.
  8. Navigate back to “/” and open the “app” folder.
  9. Delete superuser.apk.
  10. Restart your Android device
  11. Your device should reboot unrooted.


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