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Best WhatsApp Unknow Tricks!

Whatsapp is easily the most popular mobile messaging platform till date. But are you aware a few of the secrets methods of WhatsApp which could get you one stage further? Here, I have compiled a list of few really cool WhatsApp tricks which will keep you one step ahead from your colleagues and friends. I hope you will like it.  1- Change Your FRIEND'S PROFILE PICTURE TO A MONKEY! Sure, you can't make such non-sense show up on everyone's phone, but here's a small trick to change your friend's WhatsApp profile picture to a MONKEY! (or whatever you want to) Follow the given steps: 1. You need the image you want to replace your friend's profile picture with. You can use this cute little monkey. In case you want to use something else, you can, but the image should be square (541x541 pixels preferred) 2. Go to contacts and copy your friend's number. 3. Rename the image as your friend's number, removing the "+". (F...

How To Get Unlimited Jio Barcodes in All Mobiles


We have been getting lot of questions like how to generate jio barcode in iphone, how to generate jio barcode in 3g mobile and how to generate unlimited jio barcodes. Well all the solutions are now available in this article, we are giving each and every possible solution to generate jio barcode in any device. You must generate jio barcode in order to get the jio sim, without barcode you can’t get any sim. Although you might opt for buying jio sim in black or some stores, I recommend don’t do that. If you brought the jio sim without generating jio bardcode you sim will never ever activate for sure.

 In this article we are giving you solutions of how to generate jio barcode in any mobile. In these days getting the jio sim is really tough and to activate that sim is even tougher so to complete the jio sim activation very quickly. Let’s  jump into the main deal which is how to generate jio barcode.

How To Generate Jio Barcode:

This is the most common method where it will only work on LTE or VoLTE enabled 4g smartphone. So thos who want to know how to generate jio barcode in 3g mobile or iPhone they can skip this. First of all I would suggest you to check whether your mobile isVoLTE supported or LTE supported. If your 4g device got those features you can generate jio barcode in 5 mins by following the below steps. In these days after jio release to every 4g device some smartphones got system updates so check that once, in case if you got the VoLTE update then you are in luck. With VoLTE only you can get unlimited jio calls, LTE users can also get the unlimited voice calls with our tricks.

Steps to generate Jio Barcode:

  • Install the latest version of MyJio app from Playstore
  • Open MyJio app list, there is no need to install all 10 apps
  • Just open MyJio app from the list and select your state and city
  • In the next pop-up enter your Full Name and Phone Number to Generate OTP
  • So after submitting OTP you will generate Jio barcode.
That’s how to generate jio barcode in 4g devices, so after generating Jio barcode, visit the nearby jio store to get the jio sim for free. No need to pay any amount and after that you can simply activate the sim by tele-verification. This method is cool but what about 3g or 2g devices and iPhone devices so here are the more methods.

How To Generate Jio Barcode in 3G mobile or All Devices

The below mentioned process will work on any 3g or 2g android devices. Also on non-LTE or VoLTE supported mobiles too. So just follow the give steps I recommend to use wifi so you won’t disconnect in the middle.

Steps to generate jio barcode in 3g mobile:

  • Download the old MyJio app from above mentioned link.
  • Install all 10 apps and disconnect wifi. Then open MyJio app from the list
  • Click on Get Free Jio Sim and Enable Internet Connection
  • It will show you the available location and click on Agree and Get Jio Offer
  • That’s it you will generate jio barcode in 3g mobile.
After that you can show that barcode in any jio store to get the jio sim for free. Remember you can activate the jio sim from your 3g phone but if the store guy ask you about your device just say that it is 4G. Here are the 5 possible methods on how to use jio sim in any 3g mobile.

How To Generate Jio Barcode Unlimited times:

For this you must use rooted device, here is the safe way to root your android device. Without rooted device you can use this method on how to generate jio barcode unlimited times. Remember this trick won’t harm your device hardware although it might change the whole software like device name, IMEI and much more. So just use this method only if you are agreed to above conditions. It did worked for many people, so this is safe.


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