
Showing posts from January, 2017

Best WhatsApp Unknow Tricks!

Whatsapp is easily the most popular mobile messaging platform till date. But are you aware a few of the secrets methods of WhatsApp which could get you one stage further? Here, I have compiled a list of few really cool WhatsApp tricks which will keep you one step ahead from your colleagues and friends. I hope you will like it.  1- Change Your FRIEND'S PROFILE PICTURE TO A MONKEY! Sure, you can't make such non-sense show up on everyone's phone, but here's a small trick to change your friend's WhatsApp profile picture to a MONKEY! (or whatever you want to) Follow the given steps: 1. You need the image you want to replace your friend's profile picture with. You can use this cute little monkey. In case you want to use something else, you can, but the image should be square (541x541 pixels preferred) 2. Go to contacts and copy your friend's number. 3. Rename the image as your friend's number, removing the "+". (F...

Fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot

If you’ve installed Kali Linux then you already know that the sound option is mute or disabled at the boot. No matter what you do, next time you restart Kali Linux, you will again have sound mute in Kali Linux on boot. You might want to start Kali Linux with a great sound effect (Ka-BOOM!!) or you probably spend a few moments to unmute sound and then turn on the volume. After sometime, this gets annoying and you start looking into the wide world of web (actually the correct term is World Wide Web aka WWW but you already knew that!) and ended up here. So let’s not wait more and get into command line to fix this issue once and for all. In this guide we will fix 2 things Fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot time. Keep that settings and volume from previous session Fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot Follow the steps below to fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot Install alsa-utils apt-get install alsa-utils -y Update mixer in XFCE From Volume control ...

Wi-Fi Passward hack kali linux and BT5

This guide is for penetration testing your own network or someone else's, with permission using someone elses wifi is theft of service and may or may not  be a criminal offence in your area Logan nor anyone from tek syndicate is liable for your actions, you are so proceed with caution! EDIT; kali linux is now out as logan said on the tek a few weeks back, as kali is built from the same tools by the same team this guide work with both BT5 r3 and kali, 1st step you will need a copy of backtrack 5 so go here or kali linux from here (guide is same for both) and get yourself an iso (32 or 64bit depending on your hardware) either burn to disc using imgburn or make a live usb of 4gb + then you can save sessions and not have to start over when you power off, its a good idea as i have had attacks take up to a day and a half (...

The top Windows 10 tips, tricks, hacks and tweaks

Have you made the switch to Windows 10 on your primary operating system? With it being free, and Microsoft pushing the update to users, most of you probably already have. And if you haven’t, listen. XP is dead. Let it go. ♫ LET IT GO! LET TO GO-OH-OH! ♫ Sorry, where was I? Oh, yeah, Windows 10 is awesome. To help you get even more of the awesome out of Windows 10, we’ve scoured the web to provide you with the top 33 Windows 10 tips, tricks, hacks, and tweaks for your computing pleasure. Anyway, check out these cool tips and more to see if you can get some more cool factor out of 10. 1. Enable virtual desktops For starters, yes, Linux has had this for years. I usually have six in my tray in KDE and mouse through them like a boss. But this is Windows, and it’s great to have this finally. To turn on virtual desktops, Win+Tab to get the Aero view, then click “+New Desktop” down in the lower right. You can have as many as you want, and switch between the...

How to Disable Ads on Your Windows 10 Lock Screen

If you’re like me, you might have opened up your Windows 10 laptop today only to see a giant ad for Square Enix’s Rise of the Tomb Raider plastered across your login screen. This is the work of the “Windows Spotlight” feature in your Personalization settings, and thankfully, you can turn it off for good. Side note : Even if you’re a Tomb Raider fan, you probably shouldn’t buy it from the Windows Store as your lock screen would suggest.    To remove Windows 10’s lock screen ads, click on your Start menu, and open up the Settings app: From here, choose the Personalization setting, and then navigate to the Lock Screen tab. Once this is open, find the field that reads “Windows Spotlight”, and click on the box. You can switch this to display either a “Picture” or a “Slideshow”, depending on your personal preference. This will disable Microsoft from automatically pushing ads to your login screen without your permission. Lastly, once y...

BOSS: The Indian OS is All Set To Guard Government Websites Against Cyber-Attacks

Owing to the tremendous cyber-attacks on some of the most significant government websites in the past, the government of India has now launched its own operating system called Bharat Operating System Solution or BOSS , to protect confidential information from hackers. In fact, enhancing cyber-security has to come in the first place on the political agenda of all the governments across the world, considering the fact that “ obtaining government information ” always remains the first target of anti-social elements, Naxalites and terrorists. That means increased cyber-security can play a substantial role in enhancing a nation’s national security. The Indian Government’s initiative to implement its own operating system BOSS as a significant step towards protecting cyber-security is expected to be an eye opener for other countries, which are constantly facing cyber-attacks from hackers. Boss, which is developed by the Centre of Development of Advanced Computin...